Rubber band Man

Anxiety plagues most bipolar people, adding an extra stomach twister to an already twisted experience. I don’t know what caused my attack on Tuesday, but I was actually relieved to have it during my session with Dr. John M.,the new psychologist. He asked what I was anxious about. I said, “everything right now.” My mind was zipping through my entire life and all my imperfections. I’m an OCD perfectionist, and that attribute makes anything in your life that goes wrong a life threatening issue. And that’s how I punish myself with anxiety.

Yep, he said I punish myself and I am making myself sick over all the past mistakes and current decisions. “Make decisions, and do what YOU want, ” he said. “Stop trying to please everyone else.” He said I need to learn to ve my own best friend, and up until a few months, I was! I Cannot remember when I stopped liking my alone time. Was I delusional then and that’s why I felt so comfortable.

My anxiety reached a peak during my session and Dr. John opened a drawer and took out a rubberband. I was instructed to snap my wrist every time I felt anxiety–and to remind myself that I am only hurting myself. Really? Well, believe it or not, it has been working. I had a few tense moments yesterday and snapped my wrist. Maybe it’s all in my head, but I felt better. Has anyone ever heard of this? My arm may be a res bruised stump by next week, but I am going to keep snapping and hope I snap out of my anxiety!

5 thoughts on “Rubber band Man

  1. my psychologist told me to do the same. I used to do it all the time, now I dont need to do it as often, but I still keep a ruber band around my wrist just incase.

  2. Hello Bipolar Journalist! My therapist has recommended the rubberband for negative thinking. If nothing else, it forces you to immediately look at the thought/anxiety from a different perspective, rather than simply festering with it. Whatever works, right? 🙂 Good luck!

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