Living on the Edge of Night

I recently reunited with someone I used to date four or five months ago. I feel weird about it, to be honest. We started off way back then very intensely, and bonded very quickly as lovers. But the coupling moved too fast, and we separated. I was also switching to a new med, Geodon, which wasn’t cutting it for me. I finally got off of it, back on Seroquel, and I am perceived as “more level.”

The first time we split I was heartbroken. My fear is that I might lose this pairing again. We are such great friends, but eventually the sex issue is going to arise. I had a problem with that last time–that and my snoring. I know it sounds very solvable, but these things can be major to some people. Well, probably they are major issues for most people.

The great thing is that my being bipolar is not an issue. But the smaller issues are the ones that worry me. I dont want to be exiled again alone. But I suppose I have to take that risk.

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